Grab bars let you stand and move more easily with arthritis

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Grab bars let you stand and move more easily with arthritis

Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the knees, hips, ankles and other areas of the body. For this reason, arthritis can mean losing the ability and motivation to move around.

However, we know you don’t want to lead a sedentary lifestyle either. You want to get up and do the things you’ve always done, but as your arthritis progresses, you simply feel like it’s not worth getting out of bed some days.

While arthritis can be debilitating, especially during those terrible flares, research shows it is critically important to maintain a healthy baseline of activity. Spending all day on the couch or in bed without being able to get up might not only make your arthritis worse, but also lead to other health problems and risk factors such as poor circulation and skin irritation.

Grab bars, a great living aid for many

But there is something you can do about it. While we offer a variety of aids for transferring to a standing position, many find that vertical grab bars offer the sturdy, flexible solution they are looking for.

Install with no screws necessary

SuperPole System

SuperPole System

The Healthcraft SuperPole System is a pole you can install without screws. It fits in between your ceiling and floor and supports up to 300 pounds. Install it near your sofa to be able to get up and down on your own without the assistance of others. It can be installed just about anywhere that is most convenient in your home, including the bedroom and bathroom.

The freedom to lie, sit and stand independently with the Healthcraft SuperPole System has a value that is hard to overestimate. Relying on others to be able to get into a standing position can mean long waits and long sitting periods. The Healthcraft SuperPole System gets rid of these inconveniences.

Variations of of the SuperPole System

SuperPole System with SuperBar

SuperPole System with SuperBar

There are also other versions of the SuperPole System. The SuperPole System with SuperBar features a horizontal pivoting/locking bar you can grab for a variety of purposes, such as pulling upward, resting for stability or walking with more balance.

SuperPole System with SuperTrapeze

SuperPole System with SuperTrapeze

The SuperPole System with SuperTrapeze is ideal for bed use, as the SuperTrapeze is a ladder-like construction that hangs over your bed for assistance with changing positions in bed or getting out of bed.

A grab bar with multiple grips

Security Pole with Grab Bar

Security Pole with Grab Bar

The Security Pole with Grab Bar is similar to the SuperPole System but is different in that it offers four horizontal grips at different heights. This makes it useful for those who wish to use a climbing motion to go from a sitting to a standing position.

Don’t let arthritis keep you down. Get the balance and leverage you need with the grab bar you feel meets your needs best.