Beat Joint Pain By Walking in the Pool!

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Beat Joint Pain By Walking in the Pool!

Having arthritis does not mean that you should not stay as active as possible. Staying on the move actually helps to reduce arthritis pain, according to The Mayo Clinic.

One idea that you may have not tried before is to leave behind the gym shoes and try some water exercises, especially water walking. This exercise, like any exercise in the water, is easier on achy joints. The buoyancy of the water supports your body weight, which cuts down the stress on the joints and reduces your pain. And yet, water walking is a wonderful workout. Water is 12 times more resistant than air, so as you water walk, you are building strength and endurance.

Experts note that you are not bearing weight as you walk in water, so you still need to have some workouts occasionally that build bone strength.

Walk in either the shallow or deep end of your pool, but note that the deeper the water, the more intense the work out. If you really like water walking, when it gets cooler, you can move indoors to a heated pool.


How to Get Started

To walk in deep water, a flotation belt is recommended, as this will keep you in an upright position and floating near shoulder height.

You will stand waist or chest deep in the water, and walk through it just like you would on the ground. To work other muscle groups, try to walk sideways and backwards.

If you want to make the workout more strenuous, try to lift your knees higher. Also, try some interval training: Pump your legs and arms faster for a minute, and then go back to a regular pace.

If you really start to get into water walking, you may be able to find a class at your fitness center or YMCA. Or, try the Arthritis Foundation website.

After Your Workout

Water walking is easier on the body, but if you experience any soreness or pain after this or any other work out, we recommend these arthritis products:

MediBeads Neck Rest


Delivers quick, pain relieving heat to your neck, and meets the criteria of an Ideal Analgesic Modality

MediBeads King Pad


This is a great pain-relieving product for large areas, including the hips, legs and back.

Be sure to try water walking soon, as it really is a great low impact workout that is tailor made for those with arthritis.