September 26th marks the national day for Women’s Health and Fitness, and we’re celebrating it by sharing a few tips for our fellow women out there to make the most out of their special day.
Fall is among us this week and in light of the beautiful season, here’s a couple fall prevention tips. Horrible puns aside, we’re here to empower women to stay healthy and fit and we’d like to share our ideas.
Fall Prevention
No matter the condition or health we are in, everyone takes a tumble every now and then. This can be especially frequent in those recovering from a stroke, but it can also be found in alzheimer’s patients as well. Exercise is a good, organic way to prevent future slip-ups, it retrains our muscles and with enough persistence, it can improve balance and posture.
These exercises mainly consist of squats, walking, balance techniques, and even basic stretching.These are all things to decrease the likelihood of taking a nasty fall, as it can retrain our legs to withstand different conditions again. This can be helpful after a stroke, as sometimes strokes can render someone immobile for quite awhile. Here’s a helpful list of items to consider.
While taking a nasty fall certainly can damage our health, that’s not the only thing women should be careful about when recovering. Managing our health is more than exercise and keeping our body in good condition, it’s mental as well.
Managing Mental Health
It’s well known that the way we eat can drastically change the way we think and feel, that is one of the many reasons doctors recommend a healthy diet. Not only does it support and improve your physical functions, but it also helps with our mental state as well. Activities such as puzzles, brain games, and word searches are all good ways to start managing mental health. It may even be wise to talk to a professional, especially if you’re recovering from a major surgery or Stroke.
Other ways to improve mental health can be found in meditation. That one’s a no brainer, of course. Meditation allows us to connect with the world around us, it can change our perspective and offer more peaceful thoughts. The first question that might come up is how to meditate, but there is no right or wrong way to do it.
There are professionals that offer advice and tactics, but often enough they’ll explain that it’s a spiritual connection found when a person finds a serene solitude by a series of breathing treatments, posture adjustments, and time. Time is the biggest factor in meditation and it can’t be rushed. These feelings of happiness and well being come from inside us, all meditation is doing is allowing us to access it.
There are plenty ways to improve health and fitness in young women today, but rarely does anyone talk about how to improve health and fitness in our seniors. Light exercise, healthy diets, and engaging activities can help keep the doctor away.