for the disabled

Helpful Healthcare Articles

This page has all of our articles consolidated into one section

January 5, 2017

Read All About It: Reduced Vision Reading Aids

Despite following orders to eat our carrots and not to read in the dark, as we get older our vision often changes. For those who enjoy […]
December 22, 2016

What does it mean to stay independent?

One issue we discuss quite a bit on our blog is the importance of staying independent despite disability. But what does it mean to stay independent? […]
September 8, 2016

How to prevent problems with crutches

If you or a loved one has recently been put on crutches, there are many questions you may have about this simple daily living aid. As […]
August 3, 2016

Fun ways to cut watermelon on Watermelon Day

Today is Watermelon Day, which is a good thing, because it sure is hot out there. There are not many treats as cool and refreshing as […]
July 27, 2016

Sister’s Day gift ideas: Stuff for the car

Sister’s Day is just around the corner. It occurs on the first Sunday of August every year, and recently it seems to have become more popular. […]
June 11, 2014

Keep Moving With Arthritis!

An exercise program for your arthritis – whether it is osteoarthritis or rheumatoid – might be the last thing you want to think about when your […]
May 21, 2014

Is There a Diet for Pain-Free Joints?

It is becoming clearer that there are ways to deal with arthritis pain other than taking pills. Evidence is emerging that eating certain foods and in […]