Pumping gas pain-free is possible even with arthritis

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Pumping gas pain-free is possible even with arthritis

If there were anything in the world as certain as death and taxes, it would have to be the need to get gas.

Our cars need it, and while pumping gas is not the funnest thing in the world to do and certainly not friendly to our wallets, there is a way to make the process easier, and it is cost effective.

Being able to pull over for a pit stop on a long drive is important for maintaining independence. For people with physical limitations like arthritis, being able to find ways to drive independently is one of the biggest hallmarks to gaining back their freedom.

Tools for opening those tight gas caps

To fill up, you have to open your gas cap, but if you have arthritis in your hands, you may find this to be incredibly more difficult than it is for others. Anything that involves twisting something tightly is going to present a problem for those with arthritis. Let’s take a look at two different gas cap openers to see which one will get you well on your way to a quick refueling. These tools fit onto the raised bar on your gas cap, so be sure to measure your gas cap before deciding on a gas cap aid.

Gas Cap Tool Attachments

Gas Cap Tool Attachments

The Gas Cap Tool is a handle with a choice of two attachments on the end that are made to fit on the raised bar present on all gas caps. The attachments can be applied to your gas cap at six different angles due to the multiple grooves going in different directions. The grooves measure a half inch on one attachment, and one inch on the other. The Gas Cap Tool takes away the need for any twisting by giving you plenty of handle leverage.

Gas Cap Tool

Gas Cap Tool

Dale, a satisfied customer from Pennsylvania, reported: “My thumbs have been giving me fits for some time when trying to wrench the gas cap open. Using the supplied second adapter, I can now open the cap with relative ease and no crunching in my hands.”

Freedom Gas Cap Wrench

Freedom Gas Cap Wrench

Our other aid for removing gas caps is the Freedom Gas Cap Wrench, which features a T-shaped handle made to allow for an ergonomic positioning of the wrist when screwing the gas cap open. This increases leverage and takes away from joint stress.

Having to get gas is a certainty, but arthritis pain doesn’t have to be.