Prepare for spring garden greatness with these tools!

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February 11, 2014
Garden Tools
February 11, 2014
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Prepare for spring garden greatness with these tools!

Spring is getting closer, and now's the time to collect all the garden supplies you need for a spectacular spring planting. These adaptive tools will help.

Although Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog who predicts the coming of spring each year according to legend, has declared six more weeks of winter for 2014, the next gardening season will be here before you know it. You only have a few more weeks left to get everything in order for spring planting. Go ahead and check out our adaptive gardening tools that will make your planting much easier and more enjoyable. If you order now, you’re more likely to get your supplies in time!

Old-fashion garden tools are cumbersome

Traditional hand garden tools are usually not made in the most efficient manner for comfortable use. Our Easi Grip Garden Tools, however, feature a right-angled handle that sticks straight up, allowing for maximum leverage and a comfortable hand position.

Cultivate and plant with better wrist position

Easi Grip Garden Tools Cultivator

Easi Grip Garden Tools Cultivator

Prepare your soil with the Easi Grip Cultivator. A properly cultivated, loose seedbed is critical to successful growing, so the job must be done right. Don’t settle for traditional, uncomfortable tools that will make you want to stop before you’re finished. Take your time but also work faster with this ergonomic tool.

Easi  Grip Garden Tools Fork

Easi Grip Garden Tools Fork

Use the Easi Grip Garden Fork to break up hard earth or to transplant plants.

Easi Grip Garden Tools Trowel

Easi Grip Garden Tools Trowel

Finally, many gardeners plant seeds using a hand trowel, but again, these can be rough on the hands and wrists. The Easi Grip Trowel will give you the leverage you need to dig the appropriate holes for your seeds.

Easi Grip Garden Tools can be bought together or separately.

Use Easi Grip while standing

Easi Grip Add On Handles

Easi Grip Add On Handles

Furthermore, the Easi Grip Add On Handles can be attached to almost any long-handled gardening tool you may have, giving you the Easi Grip satisfaction while allowing you to remain upright.

Easi Grip Long Reach Garden Tools

Easi Grip Long Reach Garden Tools

For this purpose, we also sell the Easi Grip Long Reach Garden Tools. These tools include a cultivator, fork, trowel and hoe that reach far enough to be used in a sitting or standing position. Like the hand garden tools from Easi Grip, the Long Reach Garden Tools can be bought together or separately.

Easy seed planting without batteries, motors

The Planting Stick

The Planting Stick

Another tool for seed planting from an upright position is the Planting Stick. The Planting Stick is made of a welded stainless steel construction to punch easily through tough soil. Point the auger directly down into the soil, hold the grip ball at the top with one hand, and crank the handle in the middle to dig the perfect hole with ease.

Prepare for spring planting before the seasons catch up to you. These adaptive tools will help make gardening a strain-free and enjoyable hobby once again.