National Stroke Awareness: Reduce risk due to wheelchair use

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National Stroke Awareness: Reduce risk due to wheelchair use

During National Stroke Awareness month, learn your particular risk factors and how stroke affects minorities. Chair aerobics DVDs can help reduce risk.

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Much of what we do at The Wright Stuff has to do with stroke and stroke recovery, so we like to take this time of year to raise awareness about different areas of living regarding stroke.

This year, National Stroke Awareness Month is focusing on the demographic statistics on stroke and their implications. Minorities are at a significantly higher risk of stroke than non-minorities. African Americans are twice as likely to experience first-time strokes than Caucasians and are twice as likely to die from stroke than Caucasians.

Diabetes, high blood pressure lead to stroke

We don’t know all the reasons for these staggering statistics, but the National Stroke Association says that one of the reasons is that African Americans have a higher rate of health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, that increase risk of stroke.

As it turns out, we also know that wheelchair users tend to be under these same risk factors. Studies show that long-term wheelchair users can experience obesity, diabetes and other conditions causing stroke.

The National Stroke Association says many of the risk factors can be decreased by improving daily habits, diet and exercise.

Reduce stroke risk. Exercise from bed, chair.

Just because you depend on a wheelchair does not mean you can’t live an active lifestyle and exercise. If you have been thinking about taking control of your life and beginning a healthy exercise regimen to reduce health risks, we encourage you to check out some of our aerobics videos for those with limited mobility.

Chair Aerobics for Everyone DVD

Chair Aerobics for Everyone DVD

The Chair Aerobics for Everyone Series is a great way to get started on simple exercise routines you can accomplish from the chair or bed. Try the Chair Aerobics for Everyone DVD as well as some of these other videos in the series:

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Tai Chi

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Tai Chi

Chair Tai Chi will lead you through a relaxing, slow-movement exercise routine that will stretch your muscles and reduce blood pressure and stress.

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Bed Execises

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Bed Execises

Bed Exercises is a workout video that will help you take steps to reduce stroke risk. Even though you may be bedridden, any consistent movement and stretching done from the bed will improve circulation, as well as boost energy.

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Chair Yoga

Chair Aerobics for Everyone: Chair Yoga

Ever wanted to try yoga but felt you had too many limitations to attend a traditional yoga class? With the Chair Yoga DVD, practice breathing, meditating and increasing circulation from the comfort of your own home.

Physical limitations can be a discouragement to exercise, but we encourage you to stay positive. We know you can do it!