Caregiver videos to guide you on the journey

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Caregiver videos to guide you on the journey

You are not expected to know everything about caregiving off the bat. Educate yourself through the pleasant video experiences we offer and seek outside help.

If you have found yourself in the position of being a caregiver for a loved one or close friend, first of all we want to congratulate you for what you do and your desire to learn. The fact that you are here means you are willing to educate yourself to become the best caregiver you can be. We have several video and written resources that will help get you started and answer questions along the way.

Do not hesitate to ask for help

Most people at some point in their lives will come into contact with the world of caregiving whether they become a caregiver or need to receive care themselves. Therefore, you are not alone in this battle, and there are plenty of outside resources that are necessary for successfully navigating the waters of caregiving. We encourage you not only to view our video guides but also to seek outside support in your community. There are several online resources to help you get started, such as the Family Caregiver Alliance’s Family Care Navigator web page.

Sit back and enjoy these approachable videos

The Educated Caregiver DVD

The Educated Caregiver DVD

For an introduction to general caregiving, consider the Educated Caregiver DVD video series. Just under a total of three hours long, this three-volume DVD set includes information from real life caregivers on how to avoid fatigue and stress, instructions of how to perform specific caregiving maneuvers, and advice from healthcare professionals on preventing illnesses like infections and bed sores, among many other things.

The Family Guide to Long-term Care DVD

The Family Guide to Long-term Care DVD

The Family Guide to Long-term Care is a valuable resource for the whole family and is of particular use to those with aging parents or other relatives. This six-volume DVD set offers over three hours of helpful explanations about deciding when your elderly relative should no longer live by themselves, planning financially for the long term, and staying involved in the life of your relative, among other useful information.

The Family Guide to Alzheimer's Disease Video Series

The Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease Video Series

The Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease is a five-volume DVD or VHS set we sell that offers similar information as the above video sets but is tailored specifically to those dealing with Alzheimer’s and will help you understand the deep psychological and emotional dimensions of this condition.

Exercise with your relative without getting out of your chair

A Fitness Experience

A Fitness Experience

We also offer hands-on exercise videos that will keep your disabled or elderly relative physically active. A Fitness Experience and Chair Aerobics for Everyone offer a fun exercising experience that is not intimidating and that the whole family can do together.

Chair Aerobics for Everyone

Chair Aerobics for Everyone

Don’t take on the role of a caregiver by yourself. Learn from those who know best and have been through this experience themselves. Take some time to sit back, relax and enjoy these enjoyable videos.