Better Ways to Do Bathroom Transfers

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Better Ways to Do Bathroom Transfers

Are you spending a lot of time or doing a lot of work just to transfer your loved one to the toilet?

Well, we’re here to tell you that there is almost certainly a better way.

In our experience, the reason a lot of people have so much trouble in this area is because they are not utilizing time-tested methods that dramatically increase convenience, time investment and, most importantly, safety.

First off, ask yourself some questions:

  • Are you using any disability aids or mechanisms to assist in bathroom transfers?
  • Is your loved one using any special toilet seating arrangements?
  • Are you having to lift or support a lot of weight to get your loved one safely to the toilet seat?
  • Have you and your loved one suffered accidents such as falling or pulling muscles?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to look for an easier way to do things. And guess what? There is an easier way to do things. It just takes a little digging and tweaking to find out what works best for you.

That being said, here are some of the most common tricks and hacks to take the all-consuming stress out of transfers:

Use a patient transfer lift

Investing in a quality patient transfer lift is probably the No. 1 way to make transferring easy as pie.

This is more expensive than other options upfront, but it very often saves people in the long run. Think of all the things you spend time and money on now precisely because you’re not using a patient transfer lift.

  • Do you keep having to pay a doctor to fix your back because lifting your loved one is throwing your back out?
  • Are you paying medical bills for a loved one who got injured during a transfer?
  • Are you spending so much time on toileting and showering for your loved one that neither you nor them have enough time in the rest of the day to maximize your potential?

A patient transfer lift can prevent all these things.

Read more about our versatile lift systems — Body UP Evolution patient lifts. These are a lot smaller and more home-friendly than other patient lifts and one of the only ones that allows you to transfer to the bed, shower, toilet or car all in one.

Click here to purchase the Body UP Evolution lift that holds up to 220 pounds.

Click here purchase the Body UP Evolution Heavy Duty, which holds up to 308 pounds.

Use a toilet and/or shower chair

What if we told you that you can literally reduce the number of transfers you have to do in a day?

Well, the fact is you can with the Snap-N-Save XX Long Sliding Transfer Bench.

“What is that?” you ask?

Simply put, it’s an adaptive toilet seat that you can use to slide your loved one directly from the toilet to the bathtub. Check one more transfers off your list of things to do!

Your loved one will love it too, because they most likely hate transfers even more than you do.

Next up

We have a lot of other transfer methods and transfer aids to tell you about, so stay tuned for our second installment about more ways to defeat transfer stress and fatigue. Until then, help your friends by letting them know there is an easier way. Just click here to share instantly!