Alarms provide peace of mind and greater ease

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Alarms provide peace of mind and greater ease

Are you afraid to leave your loved one in another room by themselves? A personal alarm will give you the extra set of eyes you need.

As a caregiver, you know how important it is to keep a protective eye on those you care for, but constant supervision can be difficult or impossible to achieve. Our electronic alarms and pagers provide you with an extra set of eyes and will give you peace of mind when you are in another room away from your loved one or patient.

There are many situations in which having some type of personal alarm system installed in your home is simply a no-brainer. The Alzheimer’s Association recommends motion sensor alarms for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia who are known to wander. Personal alarms are also beneficial for those with compromised lungs or vocal chords who cannot yell for help.

One easy button

Wireless Personal Pager

Wireless Personal Pager

Attach our Wireless Personal Pager to your belt and be in constant connection with the one you care for as far as 100 feet away. All your loved one has to do is push the button on the transmitter, which can be hung on anything within their reach. If you have trouble hearing your loved one when they call for help, the Wireless Personal Pager is the solution. While cell phones come in handy for many people in this dilemma, the Wireless Personal Pager is more stable in that it is easier to operate and doesn’t require your loved one to remember the phone number of all the people who may care for them.

Motion sensor gives you an extra set of eyes

Wireless Wander Door Alarm

Wireless Wander Door Alarm

However, keeping oversight over those with dementia who are at risk for wandering requires a different solution. The Wireless Wander Door Alarm is a two part alarm system composed of a sensor that can be mounted to a door or window and a remote receiver that is carried by the caregiver. When the door or window opens, you will know immediately and will be better able to prevent your loved one from wandering too far.

Wander Alarm with Motion Detector

Wander Alarm with Motion Detector

We also sell the Wander Alarm with Motion Detector, which can sense motion from a room, bed, chair or doorway, offering even greater supervision.

A/C Adapter for Wander Alarms

A/C Adapter for Wander Alarms

When you buy a Wander Alarm, don’t forget to consider buying the A/C Adapter for Wander Alarms, which can be used as a power source for the alarm receivers if you accidentally run out of batteries or simply prefer not to use batteries.

Roam the house freely and do other tasks you need to do without having to worry about the safety of the person you are caring for. With the Wireless Personal Pager or a Wander Alarm, you can be by their side at all times.